About Unique Prints Shop
When we bought our first off the shelf 3D Printer in 2019, like many others, it wasn’t without its shortfalls. While being a great machine to begin our 3D printing journey on, it required immediate fixes and several replacement parts to be its best.
Then we discovered the Voron!… A do-it-yourself, source-it-yourself, spaceship of a printer designed by the team at Voron Design for the hobbyist and enthusiast.
While printing the required parts and combing through the required components to be purchased, we realised there was a gap in the market for 3D printer supplies in Australia.
And…Unique Prints was born!

Every project needs the right tool for the job…
That’s why we continue to work hard to source and bring you the best tools for all the tasks required to turn your Voron or any other project from a box of parts to a working machine.
Drivers and Hex Wrenches
For all socket style bolts (SHCS, BHCS, CSK etc) we offer a range of the highest quality hex tools tools straight from Japan manufactured by Eight Tool. The only company in Japan that has exclusively developed hex tools since their first hexagon wrenches manufactured in 1965. Using a special SNCM+V alloy steel, Eight Tool are able to create hex wrenches that are more abrasion resistant while exceeding JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) at the same time.
Wiring, Crimping and Stripping Tools
Electronics and wiring can be tedious. We hope to make it easier with our collection of tools from Engineer. Their PA-09 micro terminal crimping pliers and PA-06 wire stripping pliers should be staples in any tool drawer covering all of the terminal pins sizes and connectors required in your Voron.
High quality filament is where it starts..
Whether you’re printing Voron parts for your new machine or working on another project the quality of your printed parts is directly related to the quality of your filament. Polymaker is an industry leader in the filament based 3D printing space. Polylite ABS and ASA offer excellent printability, material performance and consistency of diameter and color.
Polymaker are also one of very few 3D printing materials manufacturers that conduct extensive materials testing and provide in depth materials data sheets for their filaments.

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Suspendisse tincidunt auctor nulla, quis dapibus urna cursus et. Nam eget mollis ante. Fusce aliquam, nunc sed ornare bibendum, quam dolor tincidunt mauris, vitae finibus ex dui vel metus. In sit amet consequat magna, sed cursus ex. Sed dictum risus vitae laoreet pellentesque.
Vestibulum cursus cursus metus quis pellentesque. Nunc semper justo vitae tortor pulvinar facilisis. Quisque ornare ante in mauris porttitor ultricies.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec fermentum nibh quis tortor eleifend scelerisque vel sed felis.
Polymaker Filaments & 3D Printer Tools
Suspendisse tincidunt auctor nulla, quis dapibus urna cursus et. Nam eget mollis ante. Fusce aliquam, nunc sed ornare bibendum, quam dolor tincidunt mauris, vitae finibus ex dui vel metus. In sit amet consequat magna, sed cursus ex. Sed dictum risus vitae laoreet pellentesque.
Suspendisse tincidunt auctor nulla, quis dapibus urna cursus et. Nam eget mollis ante. Fusce aliquam, nunc sed ornare bibendum, quam dolor tincidunt mauris, vitae finibus ex dui vel metus. In sit amet consequat magna, sed cursus ex. Sed dictum risus vitae laoreet pellentesque.
Gift Vouchers
Suspendisse tincidunt auctor nulla, quis dapibus urna cursus et. Nam eget mollis ante. Fusce aliquam, nunc sed ornare bibendum, quam dolor tincidunt mauris, vitae finibus ex dui vel metus. In sit amet consequat magna, sed cursus ex. Sed dictum risus vitae laoreet pellentesque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse tincidunt auctor nulla, quis dapibus urna cursus et. Nam eget mollis ante. Fusce aliquam, nunc sed ornare bibendum, quam dolor tincidunt mauris, vitae finibus ex dui vel metus. In sit amet consequat magna, sed cursus ex. Sed dictum risus vitae laoreet pellentesque.
Vestibulum cursus cursus metus quis pellentesque. Nunc semper justo vitae tortor pulvinar facilisis. Quisque ornare ante in mauris porttitor ultricies.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec fermentum nibh quis tortor eleifend scelerisque vel sed felis.
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